Founder of ourcompany Hüseyin ÖZER, started a business in forestindustry.

Establishment of our own sawmill.
With the contributions of Himmet ÖZERand Erdem ÖZER, Yörük-Er Orman Ürünleri Ltd. Şti. wasestablished.
Start edimporting logs from Russia.
Our factor yareaexpandedto 14.000m2 ,secondsawmillpurchasedand 180m3 lumberkilnwasbuilt.
Total amount of our sawmill production and imported timber reached 17.000m3 a year.
We start edproducingdoors, and wehave beenincreasingourcapacity and market share ever since
Start edserving in Bursa and İstanbul.
Star tedproducingkitchenandbathroomfurnitureandopenedour first showroom in Dursunbey.
Awardedforourcompany’ssectoralperformance in Marmara Regionby Kocaeli Sanayi Odası.
Withnewinvestments, weincreasedourcabinetproductioncapacity
Start edproducinglacquercabinet doors.

Since 1978, wehavebeenaimingforthebetterandincreasingourproductionwithourknow-how, experienceandprinciples…